Visa & Residence

How to get your visa & residence permit:

Notice of Working Permit ( issued by Foreign Expert Affairs Bureau)--Visa and Entry—Accommodation Form of Overseas guests supported by Wuxi Xuelang Police Station)—Working Permit ( issued by Foreign Expert Affairs Bureau )—Residence Permit( issued by Wuxi Exit & Entry Administration Department)

All documents to prepare:

1. applicant photo (should be .jpg version, white background)

2. WORD version of the applicant resume ( should write personal address, telephone number and E-mail address)

3. the scanning copy of applicant passport

4. the diploma of highest degree & TEFL、TESOL or any other certification( the highest Foreign Degree should support identification report issued by the Chinese embassy)

5. healthcare medical report ( & Accompanying family members’ report)

6. the Chinese Version & English Version of employment contract (signature)

7. Non-criminal record issued by official department in host country, such as police station or Ministry of Justice

8. the information of working experience and its official certification documents
