Alumni Events

Alumni 10-Year Reunion

On November 9, 2011, 18 students of the English Education Program Class of 1999 returned to campus to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of graduation. They were there to witness the growth and rapid changes that had been made to their university.The Associate Party Secretary of the School, Mr. Wang Shuangxi; Associate Dean, Fang Wenkai; Mr Xing Jiafeng; and the graduates held a forum. Profess...

Alumni Day Gathering and Classmates Sharing Friendship

On November 10, 2012, 18 alumni from English Class 981/982 of the School of Foreign Studies, Jiangnan University (previously Department of Foreign Studies, Wuxi University of Light Industry), returned to the University to participate in alumni day activities hosted by the University.At 9 am, the alumni visited the university library and joined in the alumni day assembly. They listened to the un...

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