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Taihu Lake Declaration
Date:2018-12-05 Source: Clicks:

In recent years, the manufacturing pattern of the global food industry has undergone significant changes, showing a typical trend of multi-polarization. New opportunities and challenges have emerged in the food industry, food discipline and university’s food education and technology in the countries along the "Belt and Road", which also indicates that it is a must to build a high-level international system of innovative personnel, promote the development of food science and upgrade the food industry along the Road.

If you want to go fast, walk alone; and if you want to go far, walk together. Today on Nov. 16, 2018, the representatives of 49 higher institutions from 27 countries gather in Wuxi for the Inaugural General Assembly of “Belt and Road” University Alliance for Food Science and Education, to jointly build an "education and technology community", which will start a new chapter in the food industry and play a more important role in the development of the global food industry.

The Alliance upholds the spirit of "Belt and Road" and follows the principle of "equality, cooperation, openness, tolerance, mutual learning and benefit". It is committed to promoting cooperation among its members in personnel training, scientific research, cultural exchanges, policy study, etc. Through setting up cooperation platform, innovating cooperation mechanism and enhancing resource sharing, the Alliance aims to achieve concordant and win-win development of food technology in the higher institutions of the countries and regions along the Road.

We jointly educate and cultivate innovative talents over the world. It is necessary to build an international training system and platform for innovative personnel, to construct a new ecology of outstanding, innovative and entrepreneurial education in the field of food and health, and to provide talent support for the development of the food industry along the Road.

We cooperate and share with each other to promote the integration and development of educations. Therefore, a closer relationship is to be developed in our joint efforts to intensify, facilitate and diversify our cooperation and exchanges in education.

We are in common pursuit of industrial upgrading and development. Considering the prospect and the focal issues of the food industry, the Alliance will work on the cutting edge of food science while shouldering international responsibility, and will also accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, so as to advance food disciplines in the higher institutions and upgrade the regional food industry along the Road.

We conduct harmonious cooperation in inheriting and innovating food cultures. As the exchanges of food industries break through the cultural barriers of all countries, the Alliance is committed to disseminating and exchanging food cultures. In this context, it will construct an education system which raises food practitioners’ social responsibility for food safety.

Civilizations have been inherited and disseminated throughout the history of the Silk Road. Today, the establishment of the Alliance is a positive response to the major initiative of "Belt and Road" and to people’s call for development in the countries along the Road. The Alliance will actively gather consensus, wisdom and power, to enhance strategic link of and talk about food industries, and to further explore modes and mechanisms of high-quality educational cooperation and exchanges with sound economic results. With mutual trust, help, learning and understanding, we will construct a transnational food industry circle, jointly shaping the future of our mutually beneficial cooperation and common development.

Host: Belt and Road University Alliance for Food Science and Education (BRUA-FSE) . Address: no. 1800, lihu avenue, wuxi, jiangsu, 214122 Technical support: Information Construction Management Division. All copyright © jiangnan university
