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A Three year Plan of “Belt and Road” University Alliance for Food Science and Education (2019-2021)
Date:2018-12-06 Source: Clicks:

1. The Alliance shall promote the sponsorship and provide full subsidized Ph.D. programs for the students from member universities. For partners within the Alliance, Jiangnan University will offer 20 slots of doctoral students who shall be exempted from tuition fees in food science program each year. The exact scope of support is subject to the specific guidelines.

2. The Alliance shall build an innovation platform of science and technology and hold competitions for students in products and technology innovation. It will host competitions of creative food products for all students and forums for postgraduates from member universities. For the outstanding works and achievements it shall offer awards.

3. The Alliance shall introduce excellent Ph.D. graduates or visiting scholar to work in China, to promote cooperation in scientific research and development. Sponsored by “Talented Young Scientist Program” of Ministry of Science and Technology in China, the eligible outstanding young scientists, scholars and researchers from “B&R” countries can work in China for a 6-month or 12-month collaborative research. The funding requirements must follow the “International Youth Program” by Ministry of Science and Technology.

4. The Alliance shall carry out cooperation in scientific research and establish international joint laboratories among key partners. It will set up 3-4 international joint laboratories to provide opportunities for faculty and student exchange and joint meetings.

5. The Alliance shall provide more information of joint application for research projects and facilitate to get more cooperative research projects in food science. As for the international cooperation projects of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology in China, the Alliance shall timely provide members necessary information and make the declaration for the projects.

Host: Belt and Road University Alliance for Food Science and Education (BRUA-FSE) . Address: no. 1800, lihu avenue, wuxi, jiangsu, 214122 Technical support: Information Construction Management Division. All copyright © jiangnan university
