实验教学 > 课程大纲 > 英语文学研究导论



英文名称:An Introductory Course in English Literary Studies






Chapter One: Major Genres(3)

1.Studying English Poetry (Lecture: 3hrs)

2.Studying English fiction (Lecture: 3hrs)

3.Studying English Drama(Lecture: 3hrs)

Chapter Two: Anglo-American Literary History (7)

1.Renaissance (Lecture: 3hrs)

2.Neo-Classicism (Lecture: 3hrs)

3.Romanticism (Lecture: 3hrs)

4.Victorian Literature (Lecture: 2hrs)

5.“Modern” English Literature (Lecture: 2hrs)

6.The Founding of American Literature (Lecture: 2hrs)

7.Modern American Literature (Lecture: 2hrs)

Chapter Three: World Literature in English (2)

1.Australian Literature (Lecture: 3hrs)

2.Canadian Literature (Lecture: 3hrs)


The course assessment constitutes two parts: awrittenexamination with the aim of assessing the students’ mastery of the elementary knowledge and a survey in English literary studies, and a 4000-word paper with the aim of assessing the learner’s competence of analyzing and appreciating literary works. Both should be completed and submitted by the end of the course.

Attendance and Participation

Regular attendance and active participation are critical to the learning process. If a student should miss a class, s/he is obliged to contact the teacher before the missed class or call the secretary in charge to leave a message. The said student is responsible for finding out about and making up any missed assignments.


先修课程An Introductory Course in English Literary Studies


材:选编讲义, 王腊宝,

参 考 书:

1.Abrams, M.H. (ed.):The Norton Anthology of English Literature. London : W.W. Norton & Company Ltd, 1995

2.Bowler, Ellen et al. (ed.) :Literature: The British Tradition. Prentice Hall: New Jersey ,1989

3.Bowler, Ellen et al. (ed.) :Literature: World Masterpieces. Prentice Hall: New Jersey ,1989

4.Evans, Ifor.A Short History of English Literature. New York : Penguin book, 1978

5.Macmillan Literature Series.World Literature. New York ; Glencoe, 1991

6.Miller, Ruth and Robert,A. Greenberg Poetry----An Introduction. New York : St. Martin ’s Press, 1981

7.Stephen, Martin.English Literature. New York ; Longman, 1986

8. Taylor , Barry, (ed.):American Short Stories. London : Longman, 1978

9.Traine, H.A.History of English Literature. New York : Grosset & Dunlap, 1908

10.Klinck, Carl,Literary History of Canada (Vol.1-4). Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1976

11.W. H. New,A History of Canadian Literature. Macmillan Education, 1989

12.Robert Lecker & Jack David (ed.)The New Canadian Anthology, Nelson Canada, 1988

13.Bennet, Donna (ed.) :An Anthology of Canadian Literature in English(Vol.1-2), Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1983

14.New, Mesenger,A 20thCentury Anthology, Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada Inc. 1984

15.McMICHAEL , GEORGE (ed.) , (1974)An anthology of American LiteratureVol.1-4. New York : Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

16.Baym, N., Francis, M., et al.(1985).The Norton Anthology of American Literature. New York : W.W. Norton


18.Brcovitch, S. (ed.). (1996).The Cambridge History of American Literature. Vols. 1-8. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

19.Mack, Maynard, et al. eds.The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces New York and London : W. W. Norton & Company, 1979,

20.Witt, Mary Ann Frese, et al.The Humanities—Cultural Roots and Continuities. Lexington , Massachusetts and Toronto : D.C. Heath and Company.

21.Elliot, Emory, et al. Columbia Literary History of the United StatesColumbia Univ. Press, 1988.

22.Elliot, Emory, et al.The Columbia History of the American novel. Columbia Univ. Press, 1991.

23.Guerin, Wilfred L et al.A Handbook of Critical Approaches to LiteratureHarper & Row, 1966.

24. Horton, Rod W et al.Backgrounds of American Literary ThoughtFrennce-H all. 1974.

25. Beach . Joseph Warren.American Fiction 1920—1940. Atheneum, 1972

26. Chase, Richard.The American Novel and Its Tradition. The John Hopkins Univ. Press. 1957

27. Bradbury, Malcolm.The American Novel and the Nineteen Twenties. Edward Arnold. 1971.

28.常耀信, 美国文学简史, 天津:南开大学出版社 1990

29. 阿尼克斯, 英国文学史纲, 北京:人民文学出版社, 1980

30.侯维瑞,英国文学通史,上海: 上海外语教育出版社,1999

31. 刘炳善, 英国文学简史, 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1983

32.刘海平, 王守仁 , 新编美国文学史(1-4卷),上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002

33.李公昭,20世纪美国文学导论, 西安:西安交通大学出版社,2000

34.李公昭,20世纪英国文学导论, 西安:西安交通大学出版社,2000



