Chemical-biological degradation of polyethylene combining Baeyer–Villiger oxidation and hydrolysis reaction of cutinase
来源:国重实验室 国重实验室  发布日期:2022/11/11 15:45:32  浏览次数:

Chemical-biological degradation of polyethylene combining Baeyer–Villiger oxidation and hydrolysis reaction of cutinase

Author(s):Demin Kong, Lei Wang, Xiaoqian Chen, Wei Xia, Lingqia Su, Fangyuan Zuo, Zhengfei Yan, Sheng Chen,Jing Wu*

Source:Green Chemistry.Volume24, Pages2203-2211Published: 15 Feb

IF: 11.0.DOI: 10.1039/D2GC00425A
